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You are invited to participate at the international conference of the Jarše youth home titled “Contemporary Challenges of Working with At-Risk Youth”, which will take place on from 9 to 11 June 2023 at Zdravilišče Radenci, Slovenia. The Jarše youth home is a public institution that educates children and adolescents. We cater to the needs of children and adolescents who have been victims of violence, neglect, abuse and inappropriate parental methods which have resulted in disruptive behaviour and/or emotional problems. The primary focus of the conference will therefore be at-risk youth.

This meeting of professionals and practitioners from the field of working with at-risk youth will focus on subjects intertwined throughout our work days as well as our everyday lives. What is mental health, does is exist by itself or is it only a social construct of appropriate behavior and emotions? Understanding of this concept of health concerns both, us as professional workers as well as our clients, which influences our professional performance. In addition, we want to discuss how do young people socialise and unite today? Where are they? Which and what kind of groups do they identify with. Where and how can we join them on their journey to adulthood? Just as last year, we continue with presentations of innovative approaches from the field of sports, art, and other methods which can facilitate the best possible basis for a good working relationship for young people as well as us who work with them.

The basis of the conference is the question of programs and/or approaches which can provide at-risk youth with the support that is tailored to their needs, develop their competencies that will enable them a greater degree of social inclusion and autonomy, and empower them to overcome personal hardships and challenges.

We kindly invite you to attend the international conference either as a lecturer participant (presentation live at Radenci) or as a listener (live or via video conference on the Zoom platform). Registration fee and all organisational costs (travel expenses, food and accommodation) will be covered by ERASMUS+ programme for 50 selected foreign participants from ERASMUS+ programme and partner countries.

Take advantage of the unique opportunity to enrich your knowledge and acquire skills that you will be able to apply to your professional field of work.

Papers will be presented in Slovene, English, Croatian and Serbian. After the conference, the conference proceedings containing the collected papers will be published electronically.

We look forward to your participation at the conference!


Yours faithfully,

the organizing committee (Tomi Martinjak, Urška Opeka, Peter Steničnik, Damjan Habe, Marko Ocvirk, Miha Stele, Borut Velušček and Ina Kreft Toman)
